"Special Services, Referrals and Outcomes"


Alecomm provides specialist services for:

  1. Children and young people under the age of eighteen years
  2. People with disabilities and or under the care of the state public guardian
  3. People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds
  4. Our elderly population
  5. People who are experiencing particular trauma difficulties whilst dealing with government departments.
  6. Family of people who are experiencing particular trauma difficulties whilst dealing with government departments.


We provide referrals for our clients to access services including :

  1. For ongoing counselling and support
  2. Probono legal assistance, provided it is within our criteria and guidelines
  3. Provision of information about other services that may be of assistance.


Maintenance of law and order for the Australian community through provision of independent and ethical oversight services in accordance with the Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth.  Alecomm’s key strategies and initiatives towards achieving outcomes within the resources allocated to the organisation are to:

  1. Continue conducting cases ethically, professionally and efficiently
  2. Provide appropriate professional assistance
  3. Continuously improve its performance, and
  4. Actively contribute to law reform and whole-of-government criminal justice initiatives as appropriate.

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