"Wilson: Child Abuse Victim Described as "Sexual Predator""

YORK A judge allowed a paedophile to walk free today (Mon) after his 13-year-old victim was described as a 'sexual predator' in court. Judge Nigel Peters told Neil Wilson, 41, he had also taken account the fact the child looked older. Prosecutor Robert Colover, told the judge: 'The girl is predatory in all her actions and she is sexually experienced.' Wilson lured the teenager to his home in Romford, Essex, where he watched her strip out of her school uniform before she performed a sex act on him. The abuse did not come to light until the girl confided in a friend who then told police. During a search of Wilson's home officers also uncovered a stash of vile images and videos depicting child abuse and bestiality. He pleaded guilty to two counts of making extreme pornographic images and one count of sexual activity with a child and was handed a suspended sentence at Snaresbrook Crown Court. Judge Peters told him: 'You have come as close to prison as is imaginable. 'I have taken in to account that even though the girl was 13, the prosecution say she looked and behaved a little bit older. 'You knew she was not nearly 16 as she said and your plea of guilty recognises that you knew. 'Allowing her to visit your home is something we have to clamp down on and in normal circumstances that would mean a significant term in prison. 'On these facts, the girl was predatory and was egging you on. 'That is no defence when dealing with children but I am prepared to impose a suspension.' - See more at: http://courtnewsuk.co.uk/newsgallery/?public_id=33935#sthash.KgTESr65.dpuf

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