Australia has an epidemic of paedophiles and as a country we need to face up to it and deal with it. The courts are a key area that the paedophiles are getting support and protection from and I will give multiple recent examples in this article as finding the examples is not hard as there are many of them.
This website is meant to focus on judicial corruption and it is impossible to ignore the links between the judiciary and paedophiles. In recent times we even had Judge Garry Neilson use the sanctity of the court to defend paedophiles which only another paedophile would do. While Judge Garry Neilson was meant to be suspended from hearing sex abuse cases he is still a judge. (Click here to read more)

Paedophile Judge Garry Neilson
Make no mistake the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was only the tip of the Iceberg. Over the next year or so it will be a huge issue as the government deals with the recommendations of the Royal Commission and as more people have become empowered by the Royal Commission to raise issues that have long been hidden or covered up. Social media has also had a huge hand in empowering people to raise complaints.
The Royal Commission handed its reports and recommendation to the federal government in December 2017 and that will be dealt with this year and everyone should keep a close eye on it as people in the background and some in the media such as Alan Jones who will go to work to try to undermine any reforms.
Royal commission v judiciary
As I have previously written: In a speech on the 13th of April 2017 the Chairman of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, The Hon Justice Peter McClellan AM, raised issues regarding the failure of judges and prosecutors to do their jobs properly and therefore fail victims of child sex abuse.
Justice Peter McClellan is also a NSW Supreme Court judge and it is almost unheard of for judges to criticise their follow judges so it is a big call. And as I have reported in the last few posts it is not just members of the public that are raising issues of judicial failings and corruption. Many members of the legal fraternity are also raising issues themselves as the problem is now out of control. (Click her to read more)
The Royal Commission was only the start and has published a final report that has 17 Volumes.
On 12 November 2012 the then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced that she would recommend to the Governor-General that a Royal Commission be appointed to inquire into institutional responses to child abuse.
Following this announcement, the Terms of Reference were established and six Commissioners were appointed on Friday, 11 January 2013 by Her Excellency Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM was the chair of the Royal Commission and worked with the five other Commissioners, Mr Bob Atkinson AO APM, Justice Jennifer Coate, Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM, Professor Helen Milroy and Mr Andrew Murray. Visit Our Commissioners to read their full biographies.
On 15 December 2017 the Royal Commission presented a final report to the Governor-General, detailing the culmination of a five year inquiry into institutional responses to child sexual abuse and related matters. (Click here for the final report and the 17 Volumes)
Some of the judges and their scandalous judgements and conduct – How many of them are paedophiles or are protecting their paedophile mates?
Magistrate Graeme Curran – Mr Curran was charged by police in October 2017
Sydney magistrate Graeme Curran appears in court charged with child sex offences
A high-profile Sydney magistrate has appeared in court charged with alleged sex offences dating back to the 1980s.
Graeme Bryan Curran, 67, is facing nine counts of indecently assaulting a teenage boy.
Mr Curran has appeared briefly in the Downing Centre Local Court, with his case being heard by Victorian magistrate Felicity Broughton.
A spokesperson for the Chief Magistrate’s Office said this was to “avoid any apprehension of bias”.
It is standard practice for a judicial officer from another jurisdiction to hear a case if it involves a NSW magistrate. (Click here to read more)
Father Finian Egan – Suppression orders granted then lifted after media intervention
In 2013 Irish catholic priest Father Finian Egan was sentenced to eight years jail with a minimum of four years jail. He was released from jail in December 2017 after spending the minimum four years jail and was due to be deported back to Ireland after a decision by the of former Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. But Finian Egan appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (ATT) and won and also had a suppression order placed on the hearing.
That’s right. Paedophiles get suppression orders to protect their “reputation” which many judges are happy to grant. But the judges often buckle when the media put pressure on them.
The Herald Sun newspaper appealed the suppression order decision on the 22/1/18:
IRISH paedophile priest Finian Egan has been named as the child rapist the Administrative Appeals Tribunal is trying to save from deportation.
AAT deputy president Janine Stevenson recently set aside former Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s decision to cancel Egan’s Australian citizenship.
She also ordered that Egan not be identified and that evidence given in the case be suppressed.
The Herald Sun today appeared before Justice Stevenson and successfully appealed against the confidentiality order she issued on December 6 last year.
While Justice Stevenson today ordered that some details of the case remain suppressed they relate only to the identities of Egan’s three child victims. (Click here to read more)
I’ve written about Finian Egan before and his strong friendship and political connection to former Attorney-General Greg Smith who used his office to try to help Finian Egan. (Click here and here to read more)
Paedophile gets $45,000 for legal costs that should have gone to the victims
NSW Police ordered to pay $45,000 to child sex offender
NSW Police paid a Hunter man’s $45,000 legal bill after a failed child sex case against him, only months before he was charged again and jailed for similar offences against another young girl.
The man, who was jailed in 2017 and cannot be identified because of a suppression order relating to the failed 2012 trial, was awarded costs after a NSW Supreme Court judge found “deficiencies” in the police investigation before the first case.
But the victim in the 2012 trial and her mother say the case illustrates the difficulties facing child sex victims in the criminal justice system and the need for state governments to act on more than 80 recommendations for change made by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
“He’s a paedophile. He’s in jail because he’s a paedophile. He’s turned around and come up with smoke and mirrors to get taxpayers’ money to pay his legal costs but nothing changes the fact that he has sexually abused children, including my daughter,” said the mother of the 2012 trial victim. (Click here to read more)
He didn’t just come up with smoke and mirrors to get the $45,000 he came up with a compliant and supportive judge. The article doesn’t name the NSW Supreme Court judge unfortunately.
Judge John North

Judge John North gave a confessed paedophile who abused two young girls a suspended sentence and then protected his identity with a suppression order in November 2017. Both Justice North and the paedophile have lived in Dubbo for many years and I understand are friends.
District Court Judge John North handed TM a two-year suspended sentence with no supervision order.
Paedophile, 55, spared jail because he has high cholesterol and never had sex education lessons accused of abusing MORE children – and paid one victim $5,000 to silence her
- A paedophile spared jail for a variety of reasons is accused of abusing more kids
- Victims believe the 55-year-old raped at least two other women from age 10 to 13
- It is alleged the man paid one girl $5000 in a park to not give evidence in 2002
- He avoided jail due to high cholesterol, sleeping problems and no sex education
- The man faced a 54-year sentence after pleading guilty to historic sex offences
The Dubbo predator, known as TM, was given a two-year suspended sentence due to high cholesterol, sleeping problems and because he never had sex education. (Click here to read more)
Thanks to Judge North the paedophile is now in a position to abuse more children.
It cannot be disputed that Australia has a major problem with child sex abuse:
A University of Queensland study found that 10.5% of males and 20.6% of females reported non-penetrative child sexual assault before the age of 16 and 7.5% of males and 7.9% of females reported penetrative child sexual assault before the age of 16. (Mamun, Lawlor, O’Calloghan, Bor, Williams. & Najman, 2007)
The primary reason that the public is not sufficiently aware of child sexual abuse as a problem is that 73% of child victims do not tell anyone about the abuse for at least a year. 45% of victims do not tell anyone for at least 5 years. Some never disclose (Broman-Fulks et al., 2007). (Click here to read more)
Some people try to attack the Royal Commission and say it has failed. It hasn’t failed but a lot more work needs to be done and investigations and changes must go a lot further into other areas such as the judiciary otherwise the long-term benefits of the Royal Commission will be minimal in comparison to what they could be.
As regular readers know Chief Justice Tom Bathurst is trying to stitch me up for more jail time because I have written extensively about judicial paedophilia which is more evidence of the paedophile epidemic in Australia being supported and covered up by judges. (Click here to read more)
I’m back in court on Tuesday (30/1/18) for one of Channel Seven’s court cases against me. The arguments to be heard Tuesday are relevant to the above article. This one is named Seven Network v Shane Dowling and I will be arguing that:
“The court order an interstate judge be appointed to hear the matter or the matter be transferred to the Federal Court of Australia given Chief Justice Tom Bathurst wants me jailed for calling him a paedophile and/or calling 17 other NSW Judges / Magistrates / Registrars paedophiles or alleged paedophiles in an email I sent to them and published on my website in September 2016. This is confirmed in a police statement by Principle Registrar Chris D’Aeth of the Supreme Court of NSW.” (Click here to read more) or (Click here to read the Notice of Motion) and (Click here to read the affidavit)
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