What is voting suffrage?
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- Category: Political Reform

Sitting here listening to Barnaby Joyce and Malcolm Turnbull on the ABC - what a bunch of wankers. Does anybody realise that the whole senate voting system is illegal, and a violation of our fundamental human rights?
The Australian Constitution firmly states the "senators" must be voted in by the people - not parties, senators.
And article 25 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights states we have the right to vote and it shall be equal suffrage.
What that means is everybody is equal in voting and being elected, it's reinforced by our constitution but has been perverted by the major parties starting at least 30 years ago with the introduction of preferential voting. The idea that we vote in senators and not parties, is because if they are not doing their job properly, then the next time we vote them out. This is how a democracy works.
Currently crooked greedy politicians are running a communist system. And a communist system (or dictatorship) is where one party rules. That's what we have been living under for a very long time, the only difference being it switches between liberal and labour every so often. It is nevertheless still a dictatorship.
And the Prime Minister is exactly that the "Prime" Minister - the senator who got the most votes. Not some of the idiots we've seen. [And then the Prime Minister picks the "house speaker"].
This is why our government is in such a mess - because the major parties have had a monopoly for way too long. they do what they want - which is usually not very much, and they refuse to listen and help their constituents - which is their job. If the election process functioned as it should, your local MP would get off his ass and fix things - because if he didn't, he'd be voted out.
The whole idea of ticket voting does nothing for democracy, instead it seeks to enforce the major parties certainty in elections.
And it is in violation of our constitution, regardless of how many high court judges continue to pervert section 51XXXVI of our constitution.
The recent voting changes, it's not about giving power back to the people via preferential voting, it's about preventing minority parties getting into government to make the changes that are required.
There is no law that requires a majority power in #government. There is no such thing as one party being referred to as "the government" and everybody else just a political party in #parliament.
It's all the #political parties people that are in Senate that make the government.
And there probably wouldn't be so many minor parties, if major parties would bring address the legislation or issues that the people obviously want.
The correct democratic way for voting is first past the post for the first 76 #senators, it doesn't matter if they don't receive a certain quota. #Quotas were introduced to benefit the big parties, nobody else.
Senator Andrew Murray, now commissioner for institutional child sex abuse, tried to introduce a bill in 2000 to correct the Senate voting to ensure equal #suffrage.
The bill has been introduced twice and twice knocked back, because the major parties do not under any circumstances want to lose their seats - they want the monopoly - they want to streamline crappy legislation - which is what they've been doing for at least 30 years - with no oversight and no accountability.
Various political parties have taken the matter to the High Court, to challenge unsuccessfully, because High Court judges, such as Gleeson aren't interested in a democracy or our constitution.
There's a rule in family law called the "friendly parent provision". I think it's time we introduced the "friendly politician provision".
To be continued.