"Government gets to have it both ways!"

ethicsWhy is it now Alecomm is seeking the specialty services of an organisation who can effectively and efficiently deal with Government and Administrative Law, that the professionals in this field are telling us that "they cannot work for us because they do work for the government, and that would be a conflict of interest".???

Robert McLachlan for example, works for the government continuously in child protection matters and then will work for the private section (not necessarily having positive outcomes though), and Stephen Marks works as a child representative a lot of the time in child protection matters (basically works for DoCS),  and then works for the victim parents who have had their children snatched by DoCS.  Isn't this a conflict of interest too?

It gets better when you find out that DoCS continually use up all solicitors and legal personnel in rural areas, forcing victim parents to then have


+1 #1 RE: Government gets to have it both ways!Bundy 2012-04-08 15:54
Robert Mclachlan Ah he just recently fleeced my brother and his wife of over 80,000 dollars then told them sorry i cant help you ,he even had the hide to go on holidays during the hearing and make them pay his air fare to come back.

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