"Help Save Four Abused Girls from Being Handcuffed, Drugged and Kidnapped back to Italy to Abusive Father - Please Sign the Petition."

famiy court abuseA Sunshine Coast family is being ripped apart by a Family Court ruling that is forcing four young girls on to a flight to Italy to live with a father they describe as a physically abusive workaholic.

The girls, aged 9, 10, 13 and14, remain "missing" after a relative took the girls from their school to an undisclosed location. If found, the girls will be handcuffed, sedated and physically carried from their mother and flown off to Italy.

A Family Court judge has refused to hear applications aimed at keeping four girls with their mother in Queensland. The judge ruled this afternoon that only the mother could make an application, but she was in contempt of court because she had not delivered the girls into the care of the state.

The judge ruled he would not consider the mother's application until she complied and the children came out of hiding.

Let us not forget that the only reason the girls won't come out of hiding is because they will be forcefully put onto a plane and flown to Italy! If the girls' passports were put on hold, they would be able to come out of hiding and appear in court as the judge requests.

Let's take one step at a time - the girls are likely to come out of hiding when their passports are put on hold and they know that they are safe in Australia! *(Click here to sign the petition)

The mother is Australian and the girls are Australian citizens by birthright.

The mother went to Italy as a teenager, to study and was living with an Italian family and married the eldest son.

After the death of their third daughter, when she was a few months old, the father developed psychological problems (in 2000).

There are medical and police records to back up the claims of harm to the mother and children by the father. Hard copies of his medical reports, from the hospital, stating he has ongoing psychoses are in the possession of the family.

She left her husband and filed for divorce at which time he abandoned her and her daughters, barely providing any financial support to his daughters and often ignoring or harming them when they were in his custody.

The medical documents were used in conjunction with other police and hospital records, to support her plea to the Australian government to assist in her returning to Australia with the girls, for their safety.

The Australian government arranged passports for all 4 girls after receiving consent from the father to allow them to leave.

The girls and their mother came to Australia and settled in close to supportive family and friends. The girls are all talented, top students now, and are confident young women.

Three of the 4 girls have different food related medical issues, meaning their mother has to carefully monitor everything they eat. We are concerned this high level of nutritional care will not be adhered to, should the girls be sent back to Italy. Prior to one daughter being diagnosed as coeliac, she was hospitalised for almost two weeks in critical care and the father only visited once. In addition, another daughter, who is severely allergic to lactose was fed regular milk constantly.

The girls are fearful of their father and any ramifications that may follow should they be put into his care, since they have now publicly spoken out about his treatment of them.

It has been noted that there has been a severe lack of procedural fairness with regard to this case and this has been documented in court transcripts.

It is clear, from the impassioned pleas of the children, including via video and in written statements, that they do not want to return to Italy and are fearful of their safety if they are forced to do so. No child would willingly run away from a loving mother and supportive family environment unless they were absolutely certain it was their only option for their protection.

The girls and the mother need the support of everyone to protect them and their rights as children, as Australian citizens and as human beings who deserve basic human rights.


+2 #1 Conflict of interestGuest 2012-05-22 13:49
Hi. I have sent a email to Hon Robert McClelland dated 17/8/2011. I have recieved a reply dated 14/11/2011 from Abbie Clark(senior advisor) .
Within this reply it stated in the last paragraph "You may be pleased to know that all employees of the Australian public service are bound by a Code of Conduct that requires them to disclose possible conflict of interest".
My matter doesnt involve a 'possible'confl ict of interest. It was definate. In March 2009 I had twins died so 2 of my expartners aunties . Sue Astle and Julie Loughan who both work at Dandenong dhs. Involved my family with this office. I complained from the very start which I can provide many emails I sent to dhs explaining this definate conflict of interest. It wasnt till the end of the year that I was finally transfered. During the year though because I was complaining about it . Sue Astle was sneakily transfered to Frankston dhs to hide this fact. Julie Loughan ( reception) was never transfered . In fact when I rang to organise access visits with my children.(as I was suppossed to in court order). I would say "hi could I speak to Jaine Williams who was our worker- (Sue and Julie workmate) Julie would reply to me on many occasions things like "whats that Nathan you want me to report your a bad parent"etc etc . These aunties never actually met me but they knew exactly who I was.
My families lives were manipulated, trashed for them 9 months . In 9 months I emailed 91 times for access and rang 100s . Not one access visit was set up for me . Dandenong dhs report this as "Nathan didnt even bother to set up an access visit" ( which is soooo untrue and so hurtful) A protection order was set because not only sue and Julie but there sister and niece Lyn Tischler and Amy tishler made up a heap more lies about me . Things like "Nathan threw his dead baby"etc etc . Everytime I complained I would get a new report written against me , Even to the point in current court matter . Dhs put to the court "Nathan was abusive to dhs ( this is absolutely not true).
I would like to forward you the email I firstly sent to dhs in march 2009. I would like to show you how nice I was in my complaining even though I was not listened to and as yet have recieved no acknowledgement for the ill way these public servants have acted.
I honsestly know if my expartners aunties Julie Loughan and Sue Astle werent working for dhs I would never of had a protection order placed on me. Now they wonder why Im angry . I have been abused by this system and Im now after 3 years of this utter nonsense. It is now time for me to finally start seeking revenge.Please dont read anything or listen to anything they tell you about me . They make up so much crap and claim its for the protection of the children ???? lol . I refuse to sit down and take this public servant abuse anymore.
In 2008 I complained about a conflict of interest that has not been acknowledged as yet. In accordance with this code of conduct.
What I would like is these 2 workers sacked asap . Australian government shouldnt be paying criminals? I would like the protection order reviewed this time allowing me to provide evidence that what dhs claim is very untrue .I woulkd like all my previous dealing with dhs scrapped completely . They have acted from the start against this çode of conduct'I should not be left with a blackened name because of this . See they hit me straight after I lost my 2nd baby so my mind wasnt on top of things but now Ive quit my job Friday and now dedicating my life to rectifying how poor this service is.
My numbers are 0435929062 ( bad reception) or 0351992855

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