A huge list of Australian government corruption in Australia
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- Created: Monday, 20 January 2020 01:26
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Here is a huge list of all government corruption that has happened in the last decade in Australia ! Have I missed any?
* Angus Taylor & Barnaby Joyce involved in a shady water buyback scheme that involved channeling money through the Cayman Islands
* Andrew Robb taking a $880k/yr job with donor before even leaving politics
* Christopher Pyne taking a job with E&Y straight after politics – despite the fact he was the Defence Minister and E&Y had been awarded $21 million in contracts to do consulting work for the Defence force.
* Julie Bishop appointed to the board of Palladium after exiting politics – a company that profits from foreign affairs, her previous portfolio.
* Barnaby Joyce misuse of travel allowance to stay with Vicki Campion
* Julie Bishop and her $450k Chinese sponsored “Glorious Foundation”
* Former Liberal President Shane Stone to be paid $500k per year to oversee flood recovery efforts in rural Queensland. This salary is nearly the same as our Prime Minister.
* George Christensen spending 300 days in the Philippines during the last few years – despite claiming to represent the Australian people.
* Fraser Anning claiming $35k for family travel expenses on 44 trips between January and December 2018.
* Daniel Andrews signing up Victoria to China’s Belt and Road initiative without a mandate from the Victorian people – nor the blessing from Australia’s national security bodies.
* Sussan Ley popping to gold coast on travel allowance & accidentally buying a $700k apartment
* Failure to address housing inequality – when 226 federal MPs own 524 properties there’s zero incentive to address the problem
* Barnaby Joyce free rent from donor
* Billions of dollars in foreign aid to Indonesia – only for them to purchase billions of dollars worth of military helicopters and now consider bidding for the 2032 Olympic games!
* Joe Hockey owning millions of shares in Helloworld – who’s share price has gone up 164% in 4 years since being awarded a string of government contracts. Talk about insider trading.
* Mattias Cormann not realising that his family got a free holiday to Singapore – only weeks after Helloworld was awarded a new government contract.
* Bill Shorten committing another $500 million to the United Nations despite having no mandate from the Australian people to do so.
* Barnaby Joyce property purchase with insider knowledge of rail route
* The continued protection of the ‘tax free’ status of individuals with millions of dollars in tax – whilst the lowest paid people in society struggle to get any meaningful wage increases due to the way the official CPI calculation has been corruptly manipulated in order to artificially keep wages low.
* Matt Canavan failing to declare property interests
* Peter Dutton awards a $423m contract through a ‘limited tender’ process to Paladin to run Manus Island – a company his sister works for that has no previous experience in running such facilities.
* Sale of Darwin’s port to chinese company 4 days after $40k donation to LNP
* $30m to Foxtel for womens sports, while cutting $84m from the ABC
* David Feeney failing to declare $2.3m house
* Choppergate by Bronwyn Bishop
* Sam Dastyari donor paying fine
* Sussan Ley $21k on cabs in the USA in one week
* Tony Abbott’s repeated expenses that have needed to be repaid eg 2016 total expense claims equivalent to 37 years of Newstart payments
* Tony’s daughter getting a $37,000 “scholarship”
* Arthur Sinodinos’s inability to recall, well, anything under oath at NSW ICAC
* Roman Quaedvlieg’s $500k 9 month paid leave
* Failure to fix large scale tax evasion – why do so many massive businesses persist with Australia if they are collectively losing trillions here?
* Michaelia Cash leaking to the media before raids on AWU – and then spending nearly $1m of taxpayers dollars trying to defend her behaviour.
* Similar for NBN raids on Stephen Conroy’s office
* Sarina Russo receives $754m of contracts in return for $20k donation to LNP in 2010
* NBN issues multimillion FTTC contract to Netcomm, whose chairman is also a director of NBN co
* George Brandis forcing resignation of Justin Gleeson as solicitor general, lying to senate enquiry
* Steve Irons “electorate business” in Gold Coast spending $2k for wife to attend with him
* Georgina Downer giving away big cheques for government grants despite not even being an elected member of Parliament. She also received many scholarships while her father Alexender was Foreign Minister in the Howard era. A born to rule mentality that already twice failed as a Liberal candidate (once in Melbourne, once in Adelaide).
* Stewart Robert inappropriate behaviour on trip to China
* $640k to Bjorn Lomborg for a climate denying book.
* Eric Hutchinson appointed to $160k job after losing seat in 2016 election
* George Brandis appointing his sons lawyer to $370k/yr job
* $60k unadvertised scholarship for Frances Abbott
* Misappropriation of water from Murray-Darling by coalition donors
* Craig Laundy failure to declare businesses on register of interests
* $444m to Great Barrier Reef Foundation with no tendering – straight into the pockets of directors with links to Liberal National Party.
*Cabinet Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has told colleagues the Liberals are widely regarded as "homophobic, anti-women, climate-change deniers" during a crisis meeting of federal Victorian Liberal party.
* A $4.6 billion buy off deal was struck with Catholic and independent schools, heading off another potential election-losing issue.
* Mr Morrison flagged the shifting of Australia's Israeli embassy to Jerusalem to win backing from Jewish investment bankers to keep funding Australia’s record debt.
*Finance Minister Mathias Cormann charged taxpayers $4,400 to take his wife on a romantic beach getaway on her birthday.
*Bo 'Nick' Zhao, a Chinese born Australian goes to ASIO telling them he's been offered a $1million from the Chinese Government to run as a Liberal Party candidate and then infiltrate the Australian Parliament as a Chinese Spy. He then turns up dead in a Melbourne hotel room in March. Enter Gladys Liu, the Liberal Candidate with a host of concerning connections to the Chinese Government who earns Liberal pre-selection thanks to miraculously raising a million dollars in donations. Fairfax then discovered a photo of Liu at her home with Nick Zhao in the back ground. Gladys is now the Liberal Member for Chisolm.
* Liberal Candidates Gladys Liu and Josh Frydenberg both have Mandarin signs at polling booths in the colours of the Australian Electoral Commission branding telling Chinese citizens how to vote (by putting 1 next to the Liberal Candidate). There is no Liberal Party branding on the sign. Liberal officials admit in court that the signs were designed to convey the appearance of official electoral commission material.
* Angus Taylor writes a public letter, published in the Daily Telegraph, to Sydney Mayor Clover Moore criticising her for her millions of dollars of domestic travel. The document he quotes is a forgery.
Taylor refuses to disclose where he got the fake document from and refuses all Freedom of Information requests from the media that might give an insight.
*Fake 'How To Vote' cards were handed out in Peter Dutton's seat of Dickson designed to trick Greens Voters in voting for Dutton.
*George Christensen charges tax payers for domestic flights and ComCar trips that were part of his trips to known red light districts of the Philippines. When he is caught he simply pays back $2,100 with no consequences.
*Barnaby runs up a bill of $675,000 in 9 months in his role as Special Drought Envoy. When asked what he did in the roll, Joyce explained that he sent his "report" in the form of multiple text messages to Morrison. When The Guardian submitted a Freedom Of Information request for these texts it was rejected on the grounds that Morrison was too busy to retrieve them.
*The Coalition granted $444million to a little known organisation called the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The process involved no public tender, no transparency, and the organisation was later found to have business partnerships with BHP and Rio Tinto.
*The Coalition awarded a $423million contract to run Manus Island detention facilities to a tiny and almost unknown company called Paladin as part of a "limited tender" process only meant to be used under special circumstances. The company's head office was a small shack on Kangaroo Island and family members of the PNG Parliament were found to be directly profiting from the contract.
*Helloworld travel agency paid for Finance Minister Mathias Cormann's family holiday to Singapore within two weeks of the Coalition awarding Helloworld a Government contract worth over $1billion. Cormann claims he didn't notice his holiday had been free.
*On two seperate occasions, Peter Dutton personally intervened to have European au pairs allowed into the country after being initially refused by Border Force. The first was on behalf of an old Police colleague, the second on behalf of the AFL Chief Executive and son of a Liberal Party donor.
*Barnaby Joyce's mistress, Vikki Campion was forced to leave her role as his staffer when rumours of their affair started causing tension with colleagues. As a result she was given a plum $190,000 a year job with good friend Senator Matt Canavan despite Parliamentary rules prohibiting jobs for 'partners'. There were a number of allegations suggesting she never attended work whilst in this role.
*The Coalition granted $30million to Foxtel, ostensibly to assist with "sports coverage" (whilst simultaneously slashing ABC funding). There was no public release of any conditions or oversight regarding the funding. News Corp, the largest newspaper owner in Australia and the owners of Foxtel, vigorously and unapologetically proceeds to support the Coalition whilst attacking Labor in the next election.
*The Coalition granted $200,000 to Foxtel station Sky News to fund a new show featuring future Liberal Candidate Warren Mundine. The funding was taken from money budgeted for "Indigenous Advancement". Inquiries later found that the funding had been officially approved before Mundine had even formally applied for it.
*Assistant Treasurer Stuart Robert charged tax payers $2,000 a month for home internet, blaming "connectivity issues". He was later forced to repay $38,000 in inappropriately claimed expenses but was not further investigated.
*The Coalition award a Chinese company a 99 year lease on Darwin Port. A year later, Andrew Robb, the Trade Minister at the time of the deal, leaves the Government to assume an $880,000 a year job as a "Consultant" with the same Chinese company.
*Barnaby Joyce approved a dodgy $80million water buy back from a property owned by a Cayman Island's based company that Energy Minister Angus Taylor used to be the Director of and his college mate now ran. When Twitter users began to discuss it his lawyers sent letters to them threatening legal action for defamation if they didn't delete the tweets.
*A property owned by Energy Minister Angus Taylor's brother was alleged to have illegally burned 30 hectares of native grassland classified as endangered under existing environment laws. After Angus Taylor personally intervened and met with then Environment Minsiter Josh Frydenberg about the investigation into his brother, the Government suddenly announced a review into the part of Commonwealth environment laws that specifically deals with endangered native grasses.
Sooner or later we need to wake up as a nation on how badly our Politicians are selling the future of our country out! It is pure and simple corruption – all the way to the top, and it needs to be challenged and stopped at every turn.
Add in Politicians removing us from the Pound currency etc, and into the foreign controlled global central bank debt poverty scheme (removed pounds etc, in approx 1966 ready to move to central banking (permanent debt system) and into the petro dollar scam, as well as sell off of Commonwealth Bank, which the Constitution lists we are supposed to have a nationalised bank, and pounds etc, not fake debt notes) (no referendums). Unidroit (no referendums) whitlam removed the Queen/Crown from the Constitution 1901, without a referendum. whitlam signed us up for LIMA agreement, no referendum. This was activated to destroy our manufacturing, industries, farming and offshore everything as part of a larger global NWO plan). fraser, didn't do a thing to stop whitlam, nor did he make sure he was jailed for his treason, nor did he roll back anything that whitlam had done. hawke, implemented the Australia Act, green book of garbage, without the required referendums in WA, NSW and Qld, so again, not approved by the people. keating signed us up to NWO/one world gov global agenda 21/30, no referendum. NFA created, by howard, against the Constitution, English Bill of Rights 1688 that we inherit in our constitution, states it's a right. fake made up fictitious queen created in 2004, to add to the Constitution in 2004, again, no referendum
That was all the foundations, for what is and has been done, by "politicians" as a collective for decades. They aren't swearing the correct Oath/Affirmation that is set down in Section 42 of the Constitution and outlined in the Schedule of it. The MDBP, does not comply with Section 100 of the Constitution, so all politicians that voted that into play, state or federal, did not comply with the Constitution Section 100. They say it is a state issue & they can do it, well Section 109, knocks that on the head, then they say, it doesn't apply, well, Clause 5 kicks that out of the park. All politicians that vote on any legislation/acts/bills, that passes, that does not comply with the Constitution 1901, are not obeying the Constitution 1901, their duty. Politicians are supposed to debate legislation and "Ensure" it complies with the Constitution. they do not. Once it complies they are supposed to then pass it the GG, who must also make sure it complies with the Constitution, but that is not happening either. So you have decades of politicians that have subverted the Constitution, back to at least 1966, and decades of Governor Generals that have not upheld their duties of office to have them dismissed along the way. So take a step back, you'll be able to see a much larger subversion of the Constitution 1901, that has taken place, that makes most the things you brought up, trivial but allows them to get away with most of those things, because, they subverted the Constitution to enable them. Add in the High Court, was not swearing the correct Oath of to the Crown/Queen, didn't have the correct Crown displayed, and Australia has basically become an ABN company on in the US. It's far worse than you have presented.
Great list! Both parties are not worthy of running the country, which explains the sequence of non majority or 1 seat majority governments. People don't want either of them, but the system forces a choice between them, so neither gets a clear majority.
All those things happened David, whether you like it or not, I do not care, but they have happened, did happen, and there has been no accountability for it. Your lack of knowledge in the area, is not grounds for it to be codswallop! Lack of coverage on it by the media, since the 70's, through to now, may also allude to another part of the "problem", being allowed to go so far. Hence, they all need to be dismissed, Care taker Gov installed, AEC abolished, it's not operating as per Constitution with voting, and new Gov, that is under mandate and monitored, to obey the Constitution 1901, after it's restored, to be voted in.
Crows2332 How can we get the Govenor General to Act for the People of Australia, and to fix this problem with our illegal Australia Act? I believe that the GG is a Liberal - could this be why our petition to him to sack Scomo has fallen on "deaf ears"?
2003 - that's a long time back but it gives you an indication of the scale of corruption. Corrupt officials [ from related instances ] Area commander Roma St police headquarters, Chief of Organised crime squad, 2 magistrates + court prosecuter Sandgate magistrates court. Organised crime squad detective and female assistant. Premier Peter Beatty who instructed Organised crime squad. All should be either in jail, dismissed from service and disgraced publicly - I ve seen the paperwork which still exists even after 17 years.
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