Some may know me here, others may not, but here is something worthy of sharing with you all.... please understand, it has taken 26 years of pain and heartache before, finally, thanks to a dear friend/sister, that I see hope and healing for a very fragmented family, thanks to the evil conspirators known as THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND AND THEIR EQUALLY CORRUPTED AND EVIL AGENTS.

The mother of the grandchildren kidnapped from my care, now some 7years ago ( and yet, still silence and NO REMEDY), at the age of 4 1/2 , became ill with Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia......

From the start, as a mother I was intimidated and threatened regarding her treatment,... My daughter, who had never been away from myself, her father or siblings in her life, was torn away from me at Mater Children's hospital and G-d knows what the hell they did to her.....THAT WAS THE TRAUMA which had triggered a condition known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

As this sort of method is used by govs in mind programming, they keep it hidden , and are doing this to our children intentionally....for control and nothing let me share what this does to a child's mind/personality......

in short they become monsters, because we dont know what's going on, but in reality, our children use the basic human survival instinct, and fragment that trauma in their mind..... and a new pesonality pops out now and then....they "switch"....your normal child becomes this other being you havent seen before, may be being the age they were when traumatised, like coloring in, stickers etc, or maybe a terror in attack, maybe even a personality of the other there is at least a six pack of these personalities which develop, but depending on the trauma etc there may be many is a true head**** I know,Ive lived with it for twenty six years and those bastards knew exactly what they were doing, meanwhile, you feel like it is you ....and so the family starts breaking down with this bullshit in this domestic violence law, accusing fathers of being pedophiles,protecting the violent offenders, blaming mothers and tagging them dare they !!!!!

I have heard many parent state, that after the child had been taken, they are never the same child, and how true that is, well this is what happens to them and there is help in understanding this and how to deal with too can the fragmented personallities be brought back to the one, that is why i have put the "A Civil Conspiracy" up on this wall, because we are allowing these animals to conspire against you all, and that is what it is...... a conspiracy.........

i am still getting my head around this, and I can also see how these evil masonic dolts are ruling this country and ruining our lives by breaking down the family unit and keeping everyone in a state of fear and poverty........ the courts are corrupt, the CMC, PCMC, ICAC, federal and state police, UN, All politicians are in on this conspiracy against each and every one of us, they are robbing us blind with unlawful taxes, councils who have no jurisdiction, thug cops and bastard pollies , lawyers, psychs and doctors, who all ought to be stripped of their farsical diplomas.....bits of paper in a box with no value.

what is going to be interesting is what are they going to do when each and every one are charged for conpiracy and every unlawful act they have committed even to murder of our children........that would empty out the sordid evil churches of every denomination, governments and their agents...... so do you see why there is never any remedy.....they dont intend to because what they are doing is a deliberate plan that has been in place for a very long time, and being done right under your noses........ the only remedy is to go get your children and stand for your rights en masse .... hound these departments of child safety..... with civil charges and damages under each and every one of their personal commercial liability insurance times the amount of all family members who have been affected.....including extended families.......

99.9 of barristers, solicitors, lawyers are not interested in anything but your money.....and they work for the BAR, not for you, i have seen may a grandparent lose their hard earned homes trying to get these scumbags to get their family back, once again there is no remedy........ but you can do it yourself, step by step, you just need to want to do it hard enough...... and to you Michael and others whose children have been murdered by these evil bastards...... no court will help you get these morons charged.....they are just the same mob in another costume ...... playing an evil game with the lives of every day people, of whom they have NO JURISDICTION.

MPD/DID occurs in many facets of life, those that return from war, those that have had trauma in their lives, and these people are usually highly intelligent....well they must be to fragment their trauma into different personalities.... this is why those from wars are still suffering..... these bastards know about it and yet return our men/women from war and just throw them back into society.....(not to mention the chemicals and experiments they perform on them) once again with no remedy.....this is why they rip our children from their families..... the only difference with this and mind control, is, that mind control is structured,in trauma it happens naturally.... it is the survival instinct kicking in.... go do research on it.

these actions done to families and children is done deliberately , is highly unlawful and is happening globally....what does that tell you....mmmm there must be an even more sinister agenda happening with these criminals ..... and then the gov blame the parents, you and I..... a good excuse to have thug cops running around like idiots ....these dolts do not even know the law, commit perjury in courts and are mere thugs in costume...once again agents to an evil corporation of pirates. And our youth and children are now even unable to go down the road without being harassed by some thug cop....ex schoolby bully....most have very low IQ cos the gov dont want them to figure out that, in reality they are the criminals.

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