How Can You Help !

how can you helpA young mother who approached Rural Social Services some ten years ago now, had the long lasting pleasure of DoCS taking every single one of her children off her.  There has been no such evidence of actual abuse or harm to any of the children and now the mother gets to see her children four times a year for one hour - which is the normal for parents who haven't harmed their children but aren't rich enough to afford a lawyer to keep DoCS from ruining their family.  In fact, the abusive husbands or perpetrators of domestic violence quite often get pretty much free access to the kids, even from prison, and after being released DoCS will ensure that the father is notified of where the mother is living, even if the mother has taken out an AVO on the father - him being the reason DoCS took the kids in the first place.

Now without getting further sidetracked, and to add insult to injury, parents in rural areas who now need the services of a lawyer (like this mother) generally have to travel to another township, and sometimes travel over eight hours away to obtain representation in Sydney and Newcastle because DoCS have this uncanny ability of deliberately using up all the rural lawyers to create one big conflict of interest and to prevent the parent from accessing decent and close legal representation.  Sounds unfair?  Yes it is, but it gets worse.

Well now, against all our basic human rights, and treaties signed and ratified by the Australian Government with the United Nations, Legal Aid is not afforded to any parent whom has a child previously removed from them?  Why you ask?  because that way its much easier to steal kids and put them into the system where they create literally billions of dollars in profit for lawyers, court reporters, magistrates, administration staff, and those lovely Non-Government Organisations such as Life Without Barriers who thrive on covering up sexual assaults on children in their care.

So you ask how can you help?  Well its easy.  The mother we are referring to in this story needs legal assistance, she is being denied it by Legal Aid, and the Australian Human Rights Commission doesnt see fit to stick their nose into anything there that resembles a violation of somebodys human rights - unless of course they're rich and after a $700,000 payout for leg touching.  So we need some donations for this mother so she can at least be afforded the legal representation that she is entitled to but denied by our government. 

The matter goes to court on the 7th of September - yes little under a week and she still needs assistance with the cost of legal representation, otherwise her solicitor will not be present, and her 5 month old child who has been taken on the usual false and misleading statements and warrants (which have been viewed) will be shoved in to the foster care system to rot away like all the other innocent little children.

This site has over two thousand readers per day, and this mother needs at least another two thousand dollars for this hearing to the legal representation the money she requires.  Alecomm has viewed the case file, and has worked with this mother for almost two years, and is very familiar with the case - and would not recommend donations of it wasn't warranted.  The mothers account details are : Name : Mercer, BSB : 732820 & Account : 572438 (and for those of you who like to go into a bank personally - it's Westpac).  Just remember, it only takes a few minutes to "internet bank these days" and that one or two dollars will certainly make a difference at this time.  (And for those of you who have asked here and there how can you help, well here's one very appreciated suggestion !)

A great big thankyou in advance for all those who have taken the time and effort to already donate, and another thankyou for those who are going to.

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