"Legal Aid Care Panel Solicitors not worth a Pinch of Shit"

How many times can Legal Aid paid solicitors stand by and watch their matters be adjourned?  This is not in the best interest of the child, whether the solicitor is acting for the parents or the child, if the solicitor is going to make themselves unavailable for court cases then they are not capable of dealing with such important matters and must be stricken from the Legal Aid Care Panel, so as to ensure that good and hardworking solicitors can help those most vulnerable.

Solitors on the Care Panel on the Central Coast are nothing more than a disgrace, and for what its worth, are part of the biggest child trafficking ring in the world - working under the guise of child protection.

Solicitors we are aware of on the Care Panel for Legal Aid on the Central Coast NSW, means that Legal Aid NSW will pay for you to have these persons represent you or your children in Childrens Court cases.  However if your chosen solicitor is NOT ON THE PANEL, well you can't have them.  3 out of 8 on the panel are complete flops, and constantly running around spouting off that they are going to court to claim defamation and slander against Alecomm. 

 Well here we sit, here we wait ... Meanwhile, Stephen Marks from Gorokan on the Care Panel falls asleep - so I guess he won't get around to filing a suit.  Dennis Chapman (Care Panel also) likes to leave his clients without represenation and so I guess even if he does file a suit, he wont turn up on the day.  And Joy Alleyne (Care Panel) is always too busy to be at court so we don't have to worry about her either.


Yes you guessed it, these guys are all from the Central Coast Care Panel from Legal Aid.  If you don't like these guys you can only choose from another 5 solicitors to represent you.  Not good odds for parents and children on the central coast to have a decent hearing now is it.

But guess what???  DoCS are allowed to get their solicitors from Sydney.  But you are not.  That's not discrimination now is it Legal Aid???


+2 #1 RE: Legal Aid Care Panel Solicitors not worth a Pinch of ShitSad Mum 2012-07-16 18:10
Indeed, I made the mistake of hiring Legal Aid lawyer who wasn't much of help. The first day at court I didn't have a lawyer so used one from Legal Aid, who said she was very experience and will give me the Legal Aid rate in the future. I don't get Legal Aid since I'm working. *sigh* So I went with it and she wasn't helpful at all. She didn't tell me what to say at interview with DOCS. If I found this website a long time ago I could of avoid a lot of grief. How naive I was thinking DOCS are logical, impartial, help and in the best interest for the children. DO NOT go for the lawyer that works for LEGAL AID.

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