"Is Australia a country ruled by Thieves and Thugs? "

socialism-the-new-slaveryBanks are theives because they create money out of thin air and then inject it into the economy as loans which they recoup with interest, and variable interest rates render a contract void for uncertainty. Both are fraud, and obtaining money by fraud is stealing.  A serious offence punishable by law.

Judges are traitors because they conceal the bank fraud, and (they) deny us our inalienable Right to Trial by Jury in order to “rubber stamp” illegal foreclosures. This is corruption and treason - other serious offences punishable by law also.

The Crown Australians are really under is the International Banking Cartel who are thieves of Biblical proportion, as they steal and kill and destroy.  To them, people are nothing but slaves.

A slave has no right of consent.  A slave has no right to property.  A slave has no right to trial by jury.

WHEREAS: “No free man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, or exiled or outlawed, or dispossessed, or destroyed in any way, nor shall we pass over him nor send over him unless by the lawful judgment of his equals which is the law of the land.” This is Magna Carta and it is the Rule of Law in Australia.

WHEREAS:   “All law hangs on loving god and loving one’s neighbour as oneself.”  This is christianity.

The Australian Common Law Party is conducting a workshop on how to protect yourself, your family and your country at the Parramatta Workers Club, 163-165 George Street, Parramatta, at 7:00 PM on Friday the 1st of June, 2012.  Please contact John Wilson, and book a seat.

The Australian Common Law Party …… the Anti-Slavery party … the Anti-Police state party … the people have Sovereignty Party… and the truth will set you free.  www.rightsandwrong.com.au

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