"Another young girl commits suicide after being removed by Katherine child protective services in the Northern Territory"

nohumanrightsLast month a young girl took her own life, she was in the "care" of Katherine Child and Families Services. The family want answers. I have some of them. She started self harming two years ago, at first it was a cry for attention. She wanted to be in Katherine with her mother, who was doing her best, her Mum had a stroke, and welfare got involved. Their answer to help was to place her in care, then instead of keeping her in Katherine to be near her mother, said no carer's in Katherine and sent her straight to Darwin. She was a beautiful girl with a heart of gold.

She loved her Mum and wanted to be near her, she lived for her visits. Her mother did NOTHING wrong, no attempt was made to help keep her with her Mum or close to her. She was moved from foster home to foster home. She self placed herself with me, and was happy. She wanted to be normal, to be like every other teen, the truth is, when in care, these teens cannot have sleepovers with friends, go to special events like birthday parties, in short, they are NOT treated as children, they are numbers. They then start to run. They seek out what they want, normalacy, to be in a family.

Because I was not a registered carer i was not good enough. She was placed in group homes where she met kids that got into trouble, these kids were also lost, their answer was to rebel getting into trouble. Welfares answer is instead of trying to help them, they would get them sent to Don Dale Juvinile centre. I know She begged to go to school, welfare did not put her in school. The family believes she was at school, She told them that to keep them happy, the truth is, welfare never enrolled her. Welfare were aware of Her self harming for ages.

They labeled her attention seeking, they did not seek help for her. They did not listen to her, did not help her, and they ignored her. They knew she made attempts on her life and they did NOTHING. She would still be here today had they listened to her. I have seen the 1st action welfare does is remove the children, they then use illness, disability as excuses to keep children in care.

They discriminate against people on a regular basis. I also know that even if a person is found NOT guilty in the Supreme Court of any abuse or wrong doing, welfare do not accept the judgement and do not return children. They still state the person is guilty. She took her own life because they ignored her, taking away her visit with her family as punishment was the final straw. Her death was welfares fault, 100%.

I also know of case workers that have assaulted parents and when it is reported to Police, they do not attend interviews, there are camera's recording in rooms, and the assaults are caught on camera, when requested by Police, the footage is not available, BUT it is when it is used against the parents. When a male case worker assaulted a female parent, the case worker refused to be interviewed , told the officer he was stressed and upset at the thought of an interview, yet he did not accept when he interviewed parents they felt the same, and he used their terror and fear against them.

He did not co-operate with Police and got away with assault. The assault was witnessed by their appointed Psychologist who "failed" to admit he saw it. The system does not work with parents, they do not help keep them intact, they act above the law, use the law system to their advantage and when no evidence exists, they use illness etc as a reason, which breeches the anti discrimination laws. More children will die in this system unless the law changes and fast.

Welfare is totally out of control, they remove children now based on false reports made by spiteful teens, my daughter is 17 and has a little girl that is nearly two. This teenager gave my granddaughter a disposeable razor to hold then took a photo, we let my granddaughter have no nappy time and she had an accident, this same girl took a photo while we went to get cleaning items, then claimed this was how my granddaughter was looked after which was total lies.

This teenage girl has also made false reports against others, her reasons, she steals from them and when they will not give her money, she makes false reports to welfare

I know of one case worker as well that regularly smokes dope, foster parents that have drunken parties and have the foster kids around it, ohh boy, and the number of kids NOT in school would blow the mind

Removing children should be the last resort NOT the first. Work with the families to keep them intact, removal should be last resort unless absolute abuse. those that make false reports should also be held accountable, the pain they cause is just cruel.

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