How Many Committees can Child Protection have ? All these committees and all these people are nothing but complete and total failures at Child Protection.

Article Index

You have to wonder how many Committees they can actually keep making now don't you, yet there is not one committee COMMITTED to addressing Stupidity, Corruption and Just Plain Fucking Laziness in Child Protection.

DoCS Executives : The Executive meets monthly and is DoCS principal decision-making forum, providing collegiate leadership under the authority of the Director-General.

Director-General Jennifer Mason
Deputy Director-General, Operations Annette Gallard
Deputy Director-General, Corporate Services Jo Grisard
Deputy Director-General, Strategy, Communication and Governance Donna Rygate1
A/ Deputy Director-General, Service System Development Linda Mallett
Executive Director, Communities Sonja Stewart
Executive Director, Corporate Human Resources Leon Newbery
Executive Director, Service Funding Strategy Toni Milne2
Executive Director, Economics, Statistics and Research Marilyn Chilvers
Executive Director, Children’s Services John Tansey
Executive Director, Operations Statewide Services Helen Freeland
A/Executive Director, Operations Development Anne-Maree Sabellico
Executive Director, Major Change Christine Howlett3
A/Executive Director, Child and Family Welfare Eija Roti4

 A/Executive Director, Helpline Jody Grima

Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration Services Stephen Matthews5

Chief Information Officer, Information and Communication Technology Kerry Holling

A/Regional Director, Metro Central Lisa Charet

Regional Director, Metro South West Janet Vickers

Regional Director, Metro West Margaret Oldfield

A/Regional Director, Hunter and Central Coast Liane Flynn

Regional Director, Southern Jill Herberte

Regional Director, Western Glynis Ingram

A/Regional Director, Northern Morag MacSween6

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